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Real Conversations

9 Tips To Reverse Aging. (With or Without Botox).

Be an anti-ager.

Aging is inevitable.

What is the alternative?

I will give you one hint: death.

From the moment we are born we are on one singular path.

This is the path of aging.

This inevitable journey towards death begins at day zero.

The fortunate ones are born to parents who lavish adoration upon our entry into this world. Our parents do the best they can with the tools they have to celebrate our seemingly ordinary milestones.

  • We eat solid foods.

  • We walk.

  • We talk.

  • We learn to read.

  • We make a friend.

We learn to dance, play sports, navigate complex relationships, graduate high school, and ultimately, fumble through our years determining what gives us joy. At critical

Julie Lokun circa 1982
Circa 1982

junctures in our life, our accomplishments are celebrated by the cast and crew we surround ourselves with. And then, we repeat this journey by having our own children and the generational cycle of rebirth is extended.

Throughout my extensive conversations with women and men who are navigating the aging process, their wisdom is inevitable. Longing for a bit more time to create a life they want seems to slip through their fingers due to the aging process.

Aging is scary.

It brings us face to face with our mortality. Aging is a reflection in the mirror that frightens us. The slow cadence of crow's feet, sagging jowls, and achy joints become distractors that bring us closer to the inevitable final act of our life on earth.

For some, aging can be debilitating.

The debilitating component of aging leads a staunch few to surgical reinvention, spiritual quests, and a cabinet full of retinol products that promise a fountain of youth. The beauty industry is banking on our spiral towards self-loathing as we age. This booming beauty industry promise joy in a bottle of lotion. They promise us quick fixes to reclaim our vigor. Viagra, Botox, Juvederm, and Oil of Olay are banking on the fact that there is a huge, and sadly lost demographic that not only wants to look younger but to live forever.

The wealthiest humans on earth, like Jeff Besos, are betting on the idea of immortality. According to El Pais, the secretive startup, Altos Labs finds that the anti-aging industry is ready to crush it. El Pais finds that Altos Labs is recruiting top scientists to lead the anti-aging revolution. Lead scientist, Manuel Serrano did reflect on the idea of rejuvenation in said, “The most important change that has occurred in this field is to begin to consider aging as a disease, as something that can be manipulated. In mice it has been reversed, it has been possible to make them live longer, even to make an old mouse young again. That was science fiction 10 years ago,” he said at the time. “I imagine that if it can be done in a mouse it can be done in humans. It will be more difficult, but I think there will be anti-aging therapies in the relatively near future, in 10, 20, or 30 years. I doubt that will make us immortal, but we’re heading in that direction.”

Lotions, Potions, and Chasing Your Youth.

I have nothing against creams and promises of youth found at the bottom of a jar. I remember my grandmother handing me a blue tin of the dense, thick white cream, Nivea. Grandma would lather it on after a day at the beach with her. I would watch her massage the thick, white paste onto her wrinkled legs and spotted face. She would apply Nivea all over her body, look in the mirror, pinch her cheeks, and walk away. She was confident. She was satisfied with herself. She walked proudly in the armor she had accumulated during her escape from the Nazi regime. She proudly presented her battle wounds as a tribute to fighting for the American Dream. She was unapologetic as she aged because she earned this badge of honor. Grandma found her fountain of youth, in lapping up romance novels, walking in the brisk, early morning air, and preparing meals for her family. She knew her purpose on this earth and the beauty industry could not tell her any differently.

The idea of anti-aging is a new phenomenon that my grandmother only had a small taste of. According to Forbes:

The worth of the global beauty industry is currently at $532 billion.

Its compound-annual-growth-rate (CAGR) ranges between 5% and 7%. With how fast and high it’s going, it will be close to doubling its current figure in a few years.

Lesson One:

Own your power. Own your intelligence and avoid the scam. Be vigilant. Do your due diligence. When you are promised the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, beware.

If you are promised the fountain of youth. Remember there is no such thing.

Our wants as aging humans:

  • We all want to be rejuvenated.

  • We all want our brains to work like they did when they were 25.

  • We all want skin elasticity.

  • We all want mental clarity.

  • We all want physical agility

  • We all want skin hydration.

  • We all want deep connections and relationships.

  • We all want a purpose to foster our meaning on earth.

Consumers are being preyed upon by their weaknesses.

Example: You feel fat= Loose 10lbs in one week

Example: You need your business to grow = Grow your business on Instagram. 100000 followers guaranteed.

Example: I am lonely= Date me, I am a beautiful person, with a good job and like long walks on the beach

As we age, we can become vulnerable to predators that prey upon our insecurities and weakness. It is ok to be vulnerable as we age. In fact, vulnerability is a key factor to excellence in leadership. However, when we are vulnerable and stupid, this opens the doors to promises unkept. We have the option to chase false promises of youth or we have the option to take our power back.

I am, simply, a woman who dances between the inevitability of aging and the horror of my mortality. When I wake up every morning I am reminded that time is marching on. This gentle reminder is cataloged by my wrinkles, my thinning hair, and my inability to recall things that happened yesterday.

With intention, I replace the negative loop in my head with the deep knowing that every day I wake is a gift. I am on a mission to reverse the aging process with minimal intervention. Sounds too good to be true? Maybe it is. You be the judge.

However, I know what works for me and this is what I share with you.

Aging is a gift we have that reminds us that we are put on this earth for a reason. This is how you fight through the white noise, promises of a fountain of youth and celebrate the gift of your age.

  • Find your purpose. You have heard the tale as old as time: The guy who works for a company for 50 years and retires. He receives his gold watch and then dies a week later. He has lost his purpose. Having a purpose in your life is more powerful than diet and exercise combined. Think about that.

  • Wash your face. Creating a nighttime ritual that rids your body of toxins and prepares you for 8 hours of peaceful slumber is a key component of longevity. Slathering up your face with soap is a vehicle for self-care and a nod to exfoliating dead skin cells away and preparing for a fresh face tomorrow.

  • Read. Your brain is hungry for new information. When we expand our thoughts through reading, conversations, and experiences the neuroplasticity of our brain structure expands.

  • Move your body. There is nothing more detrimental to our existence that a sedentary lifestyle. Make movement a part of your routine. Do yoga. Walk. Run. Stretch.

  • Engage in meaningful relationships. Whatever you love, whatever drives your passion make a concerted effort to connect. Connection is the key to a purpose-driven life. Connection is what drives our daily actions.

  • Brush your teeth. The health of your mouth is in direct correlation with your overall health. See your dentist every 6 months.

  • Find a physician you trust. : Create a bond with your family physician. Be fastidious with your appointments and reach out when you have questions. Creating a relationship with a trusted physician is foundational to your overall wellness.

  • Don't ignore your mental health: Life gets hard and don't be afraid to ask for help. Your mental health is as important as your physical health. These two aspects of health are intrinsically intertwined. There is no shame in the mental health game.

  • When all else fails: try Botox: I say this with cheeky sincerity. If you are struggling through the rocky challenges of life-do what makes you joyful. Think outside of the box. Figure out what feeds your soul.

Follow breadcrumbs of joy.

We all are met with dark days. And sometimes the remedy is a new pair of shoes or a random conversation with a stranger that reignites our energy. And, sometimes, just sometimes, Botox, will be the medicine that reinvigorates our soul.

Just remember, do you. Do you in a glorious fashion. If anything, celebrate today because we are not promised a tomorrow.

You Got This--Jules

Listen to our latest episode on embracing the vulnerability of aging with Neeahtima Dowdy on Obsessed!

And a big thank you to my favorite doctor who keeps me feeling youthful--

Dr. Patel is a board-certified physician specializing in medical aesthetics. A pioneer in the field of medical aesthetics, and with a decade of experience, she is sought-after for her expertise in cosmetic rejuvenation.

Dr. Patel has multiple Allergan Mastercourse injection days and high satisfaction and results with Botox Cosmetic. She has achieved prestigious Platinum Status with Allergan, and patients recognize her dedication to offering safe, proven treatments and therapies to prevent and correct aging skin concerns.

Dr. Patel has a warm and gracious approach and puts education and patient goals first in presenting an individualized, comprehensive rejuvenation plan.


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