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15 Tips To Market Your Book (That Actually Work)

So you have written a book-now what?

Writing your book is the easy part-keeping it alive is the challenge. As an author, you are your brand whether you publish traditionally or self-publish. It takes a lot of resilience and ingenuity to get your book to the top of the charts (I know from personal experience).

Here is a snippet from my book called, Bookcasters, which I co-authored with the famed editor and author Nicki Pascarella.

Website- Don’t even think of launching your book without a website. Building a website that reflects your brand is the cornerstone of your book’s visibility. Without a solid website, you will lose credibility and potential readers. Because Google can make or break any creative venture, elevating your brand on a personal website helps boost the likelihood of readers finding your book.

This doesn’t mean you have to spend thousands of dollars on a larger-than-life platform. It means that your brand needs to hold space on the internet as a reference for your customers. This is something you can do on your own or hire a professional. Julie is a self-taught web designer who explored various hosting sites until she got it right. Her go-to website builder is Wix. It is user-friendly and has a large variety of templates that you can choose from. If you are selling products, Shopify is a wonderful tool to display and sell your products. Other popular platforms are Square Site, WordPress, and GoDaddy. And if the mere mention of building your own website has you quaking in your boots, hire out a designer. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Jule frequently dips into the freelancer pond when she is stuck or has limited time. Freelance designers flood sites like Fiverr and Upwork. Simply list your requirements and budget, and you will have experts knocking on your door. Find a designer who understands your vision, has excellent references, and has the time to walk you through the design process.

Launch A Podcast- Launching a podcast can be a daunting idea. However, it is a powerful platform to facilitate the voice of your book. If you don’t have the bandwidth to launch a podcast of your own, pitch your book to podcasts that your potential readers listen to. It also adds a layer of credibility to your coaching business since it positions you as a thought leader and expert in your field.

Start Here: Anchor FM is a good (and free) place to start: Anchor is a free app that is super easy to navigate. You can record, edit and publish your podcast with ease. Let me be clear, there is a lot that goes into producing a quality podcast. It is essential that you understand your voice and have the bandwidth

More Creative Ways to Boost Visibility:

Affiliations-Partner with other authors and team up to promote similar visions. This will exponentially increase the audience of both ventures.

Collaboration- The power of two doubles visibility. Find ambitious authors who would love to collaborate on a project. You will gain visibility through their audience and vice versa. These connections will be an invaluable resource as you further your coaching career

Online Course Creation And Workshops- An online course or workshop is proof that you are an expert on a topic. There is no better way to gain notoriety as a thought leader and writer than creating an online course or holding an interactive workshop. Perhaps you are an expert in nutrition, creativity, or self-help, the platform of online courses creates visibility and a passive stream of income.

Swag- Everybody loves free stuff. Nothing gets the attention of a prospective client faster than a free t-shirt, hat, or notebook that is embroidered with your logo. Consider swag in your repertoire of visibility hacks. This is a critical yet straightforward cog in connecting with clients. It can be as simple as a business card or as elaborate as customized samples to give to your clients, pre-sale. It endears customers to your brand and is a reminder that they can’t live without your service or product. Customized merch creates a brand presence and doesn't have to cost a fortune. My go-to favorite is I have used this site to customize mugs, pens, shirts, and journals. My clients are always giddy with excitement when they receive a personalized gift with a note that expresses my gratitude for their trust in me. I am obsessed with Printful. It is an easy way to make a statement that your clients will remember. Printful is an on-demand printing and warehousing company that helps people turn their ideas into brands and products. Whether you wish to create your own online brand or give someone a personalized t-shirt, it’s super easy to customize tee shirts, stickers, mugs, and more. Printful is full service. They automatically receive the order, fulfill it, and ship it. You can literally do it in your sleep.

A Free Sneak Peak-Creating visibility simply means sharing your vision. Free content is an extension of your vision and will create trust and a reputation with your future customers on an intimate level. What does Free Content Mean? Many experts exclaim, “Know your worth-don’t give yourself and your services away for free.” While the concept of understanding your self-worth is important, giving away free things can help build your brand. When you are starting off you may need to work for free. This could establish you as a writer, and ultimately lead to referrals and reviews. Think about posting a chapter on your blog. Give away free books to reviewers.

Grow Your Reach: Nourish the community you serve by getting involved. Offer to do beta reviews and ARC reviews for other authors. Share their book releases on social media. Attend their book signings.

Charitable partnerships-I champion every capable human to give their time, services, resources, and expertise to those in need. This philanthropic act should be executed with no intention other than to make the world a better place. The noble act of volunteering does have added benefits. You make connections, network, and allow people to witness your overall mission.

Contest or Challenge Pre-launch-This is a savvy move to offer an attention-getting challenge. At the end of the challenge, offer a package or product to the grand-prize winner. Contests drum up unexpected excitement about your new business. It takes time to prepare and execute your pre-launch. However, when you emit extra energy, the enthusiasm is contagious

YouTube Channel-Even if you aren’t camera-ready, turn on your smartphone and give YouTube a try. Not only is YouTube a platform that garners increased visibility, but the website will also boost your rating on Google. Google is the gold standard of search engines. I believe that by harnessing the algorithms of this monolith, you will have clients flocking to your website.

Paid Advertising-Google Ads-Google is an entity unlike any other. Whether you like it or not, it is a necessary evil. Dabble in Google Ads. You can pay as little as $3.00 a day to start creating a rhythm of website visitors. Don’t dismiss the behemoth that is Google. Make friends with this search engine, because Google has the power to elevate your business or eliminate it.

Pinterest- Don’t be fooled by this unassuming powerhouse of a search engine. Many users are misinformed about Pinterest’s power, and they often label it “social media.” This platform is Google in disguise. Pinterest attracts users that are in the discovery phase of a search. Users are looking for recipes, or clothing, and even inspiration in their lives. And, the amazing part of the user experience is that users are poised to purchase. The algorithms are such that content can be used and reused, unlike social media platforms. The Pinterest algorithm soaks up current pins. For example, if it is February, pins that smack of love and Valentine’s tend to garner more interest.

How do you start on Pinterest? Use your Canva account to create appealing visuals that aren't blatant advertisements. First, think about your desired audience and ask yourself, what would this audience be interested in? My desired audience is interested in personal and professional development, so they are most likely drawn to words of inspiration and personal growth tips. Don’t make your pin specific to a sale or advertisement. Draw in your audience with a visually appealing display of something you represent. For example, a client who happens to own a bakery should post a recipe or a photo of a decadent pastry. This expands visibility. Remember, visibility is the key to establishing your brand.

Why Pinterest Works

When you draw a client in with your vibrant pin, you have the opportunity to expand on this pin in your content. When a user clicks on the pin, it immediately takes them to your website. This provides a one-step process. A photo and simple content attract a user; then, they are swept to your website, where you can elaborate on your life-altering product or service. The simple 1-click step of getting a user to your website will lead to client engagement and a possible sale. (Remember, simple is better. The more a user is required to navigate different platforms, the more likely you will lose their attention.)

What's even better? If a Pinterest user pins one of your pins to their board, all of their followers will experience your brand. Pinterest has the capability to expand your visibility exponentially. Hustler’s Tip: Budget a little money to invest in Pinterest Ads. You can budget as little as two dollars a day, and your pins will be seen. My website hits doubled in the first week of testing out this marketing strategy. *The demographics of Pinterest are 80% women who possess untapped buying potential. I typically curate my pins to be female-centric. You can curate your Pins specifically to your reading audience.

Press Release-Sharpen your Number 2 pencil and start writing. Write a short snippet on why your business will change the world. Remember, it must be newsworthy, so craft a vignette of why it is crucial that the community learns of your work. Once all the T’s are crossed and the I’s are dotted, search local papers, magazines, and media outlets that may be interested in your story. Look for a page on their website that allows for press release submissions. Send your story their way and sit back and wait for your inbox to start clamoring for more! Press Releases are another amazing vehicle to gain visibility and boost your ranking on Google.

*Tip: Use EIN Presswire to distribute releases. With one click of the mouse, your press release will be sent to dozens of media outlets.

Podcast Pitches- Ask yourself, what podcasts your potential customers listen to. Once you have narrowed down a list of podcasts, email them the undeniable reasons they should feature you. Make this pitch short and poignant. Distinguish yourself as a leader in the industry and be very clear about why you will empower their audience. Add links to your website, press, and anything powerful that states that you are a credible thought leader in this niche. Remember to make your contact information easily accessible so they can reach out with one click. Also, keep it brief. Checkout Pitch Podcasts:

Simplifying SEO Management/ Search Engine Optimizations- These are inextricably linked to brand visibility. The topic of SEOs is complex, yet so simple. Figure out what your potential client will type in a search engine to find your business. Once you have tapped into your future client’s mind, use these keywords in all the content you produce. For example, smatter these keywords all over your website. Sprinkle them in your social media, in your press releases, and in everything you send out into cyberspace. SEO BRAINSTORM- What search words will your potential client google to find you? My go too app for SEOs- KEYWORDS EVERYWHERE. Keywords Everywhere is a Chrome Extension App (Google) that finds powerful keywords and provides tools to optimize your brand on Google. It is imperative that you curate keywords that are highly searched but have limited competition. It is priced at a relatively low ($10) price point and has been a game-changer in my SEO repertoire.

*Tip: Brainstorm keywords and phrases. Keywords are the words on your website that people are most likely to search for. Brainstorm several options related to the theme of your book.

For more support on everything publishing, podcasting, and presenting join our free community of creatives at The Mediacasters!

You Got This--Jules

Julie Lokun, JD. a legal eagle and facilitator of dreams, is changing the trajectory of underserved entrepreneurs who are using their voice to make an impact. As a mom of four (4) boys, Julie has learned to leverage her power to lead a bustling household while also serving as the head maven of Crown & Compass Life Coaching. She adeptly "anoints and points" -- directing the strategic growth of businesses and professionals around the globe. Julie has delivered presentations on the big stage, and in virtual events. With a background in law, she teases through complex information and gets to the root of issues, telling deep, compelling stories that resonate with audiences far and wide. She is a celebrated best-selling author of the entrepreneurial series, Hustle Smart, the owner of The Mediacasters Publishing House with several bestselling titles, and is a 5-star business coach. In the spring of 2021, Julie launched a swiftly growing podcast, Obsessed with Humans On The Verge of Change which is already in the top 2.5% of all podcasts globally.*

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